A debut film by the Lithuanian animator, screenwriter, director, and producer Valentas Aškinis based on the children’s story by Vytautė Žilinskaitė. The animated film starts with a trivial everyday event: while playing, a boy touches a cactus and is pricked by its needle. In anger, he shoots an arrow at the cactus. At that moment, a world of fantasy opens before the audience. It’s full of good spirits which come to tend not only to the wounded cactus but also to the evil-ridden heart of the boy. Will he ever understand that sacrifice is the only thing that will lead to salvation and rebirth?
A classic Lithuanian fairy tale interwoven with a number of paths that all lead to the prickly truth that—ultimately—love triumphs over anger.
March 17th 17:45 Forum Cinemas Vingis
A classic Lithuanian fairy tale interwoven with a number of paths that all lead to the prickly truth that—ultimately—love triumphs over anger.
March 17th 17:45 Forum Cinemas Vingis
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